Zombies, Run! Wiki

Janine needs you to collect a supply drop while you train.

Spoiler warning!
This article contains details about the plot.

Everyone's pleased that med pack got fetched. Antibiotics for the hospital; any of us could need them any day.


5 minute walk
5 minute free-form run
(Repeat 5 times)

1 minute run

1 minute walk

10 second knee lifts

8 minute free-form run
2 minute stretching
8 minute free-form run



Supply Drop[]

A military helicopter has dropped supplies some way outside Abel. With the rest of Abel's Runners out of action, it's up to you to head out into the field and retrieve these vital supplies.

Keep Moving[]

Doctor Myers has spotted the package and directs you towards it. Unfortunately, your route will take you very close to some zoms, who will start chasing you. Doctor Myers assures you that you'll be able to outpace them, so long as you keep your pace up.

Back To Abel[]

Doctor Myers draws your attention to the package - time to grab it! The zombies are close, but you manage to retrieve the package and loop back towards Abel.

Runners Get Rewards[]

You arrive back at Abel safely with the package. Doctor Myers congratulates you and rewards you with your own Runner's Pass for the hospital.


[helicopter flies by]

MAXINE MYERS: There it comes.

JANINE DE LUCA: Probably heading for New Canton, or Elseville to the east. They won’t come near us anymore. Not since the rocket launcher attack.

MAXINE MYERS: But they might -

JANINE DE LUCA: Yes! Did you see that? The base have made a drop for us. Probably meds. Who have we got available for pickup?

MAXINE MYERS: Most of the runners are on bunk time or out sick or on that food supply run. We’re running short much too quickly.

JANINE DE LUCA: What about that runner you’re training?

MAXINE MYERS: Runner Five? You know… you know, Runner Five, after last time, I think you are ready for this. It’s just a pickup, but it’s a pretty important one. If we get some antibiotics, we might have Runners Sixteen and Twenty back on their feet from that pneumonia. We’ll do your training as you go. There are two zoms on the scanner. They’re just shamblers, and pretty far away. You ready for this? Raise the gates! [gate siren, gates raising] Okay, Runner Five. A mission to pick up supplies dropped by a copter from the military base. Let’s start with a brisk five-minute walk.

MAXINE MYERS: Two minutes done, Runner Five. You’re doing well.

MAXINE MYERS: Only one more minute to go.

MAXINE MYERS: Great! You’re making good time, and there are no zoms near you. Heading toward that supply package. The base is depending on you. We’re going straight into a five-minute free-form run. Walk or run as much as you feel comfortable doing, just keep up a good pace.

MAXINE MYERS: Good pace, Five. Remember how much we need that package.

MAXINE MYERS: Final minute of your free-form run. Keep going!

MAXINE MYERS: Great! You’re nearly there. The line of approach to the hill where the package was dropped is very clear, so I think – yeah, we’ll be doing our drills. Remember how it goes? Run for 1 minute, walk for 1 minute, and then stop to do 10 knee lifts. Okay? Still heading towards that drop site. Get running.

MAXINE MYERS: That’s 15 seconds, Five.

MAXINE MYERS: Halfway finished!

MAXINE MYERS: Only 15 seconds to go. Keep it up.

MAXINE MYERS: Good. Now walk.

MAXINE MYERS: Now it’s time for those 10 knee lifts. I’m sure Runner Ten would love to see the effect on some zombies, but as there are none around, he won’t get the satisfaction.

MAXINE MYERS: Good, Runner Five! You’re doing fine. We’re watching you all the way to the drop site. Run for a minute, right now.

MAXINE MYERS: 15 seconds done. That’s great!

MAXINE MYERS: Only 30 seconds to go.

MAXINE MYERS: That’s great, Five. 45 seconds down.

MAXINE MYERS: That’s great. Slow down to a walk now. No zombies anywhere in sight.

MAXINE MYERS: Let’s do those 10 knee lifts now.

MAXINE MYERS: You’re so nearly there! You should see the package soon. Go. Run!

MAXINE MYERS: You’re doing well. 15 seconds gone.

MAXINE MYERS: You’re doing great! You’re halfway through.

MAXINE MYERS: You’re running well. Just 15 more seconds.

MAXINE MYERS: That’s good. You should almost be level with where the package came down. Walk for a minute, and take a look around to see if you can pinpoint it.

MAXINE MYERS: Huh? No luck yet? Okay, do your 10 knee lifts and take the time to look around.

MAXINE MYERS: Maybe you need to run a little further on to find it. Run!

MAXINE MYERS: Steady pace. 15 seconds complete, Five.

MAXINE MYERS: Good running, Five! 30 seconds left.

MAXINE MYERS: Nearly there. Just 15 more seconds.

MAXINE MYERS: Okay, stop now and walk for a minute. I think… it must be here. It must be!

MAXINE MYERS: Do your 10 knee lifts now.

MAXINE MYERS: That’s great. I’m sorry this is taking you further away from Abel than I’d hoped, but you’ll need to run on to find that package. Keep going. One minute run now.

MAXINE MYERS: 15 seconds down.

MAXINE MYERS: Halfway there.

MAXINE MYERS: Final 15 seconds.


JANINE DE LUCA: Found it yet?

MAXINE MYERS: Still nothing. Do your final set of knee lifts, Five. I’ll scan the area a bit further to see if I can see it.

MAXINE MYERS: Mm… is that it?

JANINE DE LUCA: That’s it. Not far away.

MAXINE MYERS: Not far, apart from those two zombies directly in between Runner Five and the package.


MAXINE MYERS: Okay, Runner Five, I’m sorry about this, but we’re going to need you to run very close to those zoms. They will start chasing you. You can outpace them as long as you keep going briskly. Your normal eight-minute free-form run should be plenty to get you in and away, and we should have time for your two-minute break in between. I’ll keep watching on the scanner and tell you what’s going on. If you keep going in the direction you’re headed, you’ll get to the package pretty quickly, and then you can head back. Just keep moving, that’s all. Just keep moving.

MAXINE MYERS: You’re doing well, and you’ve done two minutes. You’re nearly at the chopper drop. The zoms have spotted you, though. There’s no avoiding that.

MAXINE MYERS: There. There! Do you see it? Go! Get it. Remember how many lives are depending on you. Go! … Oh, thank God. Now, loop around to head back to Abel. Oh, and that was four minutes.

MAXINE MYERS: Keep going for another two minutes. You’re outpacing those zoms, and you’re doing well, just don’t stop yet.

MAXINE MYERS: Okay. You can take a quick break. They’re still coming for you, but you’ve put good distance between you.

MAXINE MYERS: Right, that’s enough of a rest. They’re coming again. Come on, Runner Five. Come on home.

MAXINE MYERS: You’ve been going for two minutes. You’re doing well.

MAXINE MYERS: You’ve done four minutes, Runner Five. The base badly needs those med supplies you’re carrying.

MAXINE MYERS: Just two more minutes to go until you get back. The zoms are on your tail, but you’ll make it.

[gate siren, gates raising]

MAXINE MYERS: Welcome back, Runner Five! Come in, come in. Cool down, stretch out your muscles, walk it off if you need to. That was some heroic work out there today, Runner Five. You’re turning into a real runner, and runners get rewards. And this is for you. Take a day or two off running now, Five, and when you get back, we think Sam might be up to taking you out for your next training session.


Hey Five,

Sorry I couldn't tag along today, but I've dug out Maxine's frilly skirt and scrounged up a few pom-poms to cheerlead from the sidelines, metaphorically, of course. And in case that mental image isn't burnt into your brain yet, I've drawn a little picture for you.

I'm doing my best to recover quickly, so I can get back into that comms booth! Maxine said you're doing well, but you should rest up for a few days like me.

Let me know if you fancy a game of Ludo... half the pieces are dried apricots, but we make it work!

See you soon Five!

- Sam

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