Zombies, Run! Wiki

Francesca, Abel's Quartermaster, joins you on your first session of Week 3.

Spoiler warning!
This article contains details about the plot.

Met Francesca, Abel's cook. She mentioned that things are going missing from her kitchen.


5 minute walk
5 minute free-form run
(Repeat 5 times)

1 minute walk

1 minute run

10 second knee lifts

8 minute free-form run
2 minute stretching
8 minute free-form run



Out Now[]

Doctor Myers introduces you to Francesca, Abel's quartermaster. She'll be joining you on your run today, and is excited to be leaving Abel for once.


Francesca complains that the exercise is too much for her and absconds to pick nettles for soup instead. She says she'll see you back at Abel.

Mystery Can[]

Doctor Myers tells you to cool down while she chats to Francesca. She found nettles and wild garlic for soup, which she'll bring to Sam later. She also gives you a "mystery can" and a can opener as a reward for your run today.


[gate siren, gates raising]

MAXINE MYERS: Welcome back, Runner Five! We’ve got a nice surprise for you today. A companion for your training!

FRANCESCA: Hey there! We have not spoken before, I think, although I know we have seen each other. I’m Francesca. I’m – what do you say? - the quartermaster?

MAXINE MYERS: You might have seen Francesca handing out food at the daily distributions.

FRANCESCA: Either I am the most popular person on the base or the least.

MAXINE MYERS: [laughs] You and me both, Cesca. We don’t have nearly enough pain meds to go around, and turning people down…

FRANCESCA: It’s the same for me! I envy the runners, sometimes. I know it’s dangerous, but sometimes Abel is so small, it makes me go stir-crazy.

MAXINE MYERS: Looks pretty clear out there today. Good time for you two to get out together. So let’s get going. We’re going to start with a five-minute walk.

FRANCESCA: I can’t remember the last time I left the camp.

MAXINE MYERS: You’re out now, so keep a good lookout. Go.

MAXINE MYERS: That’s two minutes done. You’re doing well.

MAXINE MYERS: Just one minute to go.

MAXINE MYERS: Great! Now we’re really changing things up, Runner Five. We’re going straight into a five-minute free-form run. Think you can keep up, Cesca?

FRANCESCA: Hey, hey! I may spend most of my day guessing at what’s in unlabelled cans and coming up with ways to cook acorns -

MAXINE MYERS: And we love your acorn ragout.

FRANCESCA: - but I could still outrun a zombie if I had to.

MAXINE MYERS: Okay, then. Remember, you can run or walk as much as you want. Listen to your body and leave some gas in the tank because we’ll be doing some walk/run drills after this.

MAXINE MYERS: Great! Keep up a good pace. Three minutes left.

MAXINE MYERS:  Last minute, now. Keep going.

MAXINE MYERS: And that’s your five minutes up! Now we’re going to do some drills. You’ll be running for 1 minute, walking for 1 minute, and then stopping to do 10 knee lifts.

FRANCESCA: That sounds like a lot.

MAXINE MYERS: Just do what you can, Cesca. It’s Five’s training.

MAXINE MYERS: Let’s get started. Run now at a pace that feels comfortable to you.

MAXINE MYERS: That’s 15 seconds, Five.

MAXINE MYERS: Halfway finished!

MAXINE MYERS: Only 15 seconds to go. Keep it up!


MAXINE MYERS: Okay, time for those 10 knee lifts. These are great for building up your running strength.

MAXINE MYERS: That’s great, Runner Five! Now it’s time to run again. Just think about how you need to put on a burst of speed when a zom’s behind you. Run.

MAXINE MYERS: 15 seconds done. That’s great!

MAXINE MYERS: Only 30 seconds to go.

MAXINE MYERS: That’s great, Five! 45 seconds done.

MAXINE MYERS: Now walk. You’re doing well.

FRANCESCA: This is an education. I guess I’m lucky. Don’t have to think about zoms every moment of every day.

MAXINE MYERS: That’s why the runners need Sam to keep them safe, to tell them what’s around the next corner.

FRANCESCA: How’s he doing?

MAXINE MYERS: He’s, uh… getting better. I thought he should have some time off.

FRANCESCA: I’ll see if I can find an extra ration for him. Something nice.

MAXINE MYERS: Oh, you don’t – I know he’d appreciate that, Cesca.

MAXINE MYERS: Okay, now, you’ve got your breath? Let’s do those 10 knee lifts.

MAXINE MYERS: Great! Time for another quick run. Go!

MAXINE MYERS: You’re doing well. 15 seconds gone.

MAXINE MYERS: You’re doing great! You’re halfway through.

MAXINE MYERS: You’re running well! Just 15 more seconds.

MAXINE MYERS: Now walk for one minute and get your breath back.

MAXINE MYERS: You’re more than halfway through now, Runner Five. Time for those 10 knee lifts.

MAXINE MYERS: Okay, more running. You can do it!

MAXINE MYERS: Steady pace. 15 seconds complete.

MAXINE MYERS: Good running, Five! 30 seconds left.

MAXINE MYERS: Nearly there. Just 15 more seconds.

MAXINE MYERS: That’s great! Stop running and walk.

FRANCESCA: This is intense! Do all the runners have to do this?

MAXINE MYERS: Well, the ones who want to live, certainly. [laughs]

FRANCESCA: Oh, well. I’d love to feed the runners extra rations, but we’re so low on supplies with all those people still out of action from smoke inhalation.  

MAXINE MYERS: Low on supplies? Are you having the same problem as Rajit? Things going missing?

FRANCESCA: Maybe a few things. Not much. Just a bit. It’s probably my imagination.

MAXINE MYERS: Well, everything’s under lock and key, isn’t it?

FRANCESCA: Maybe someone is sneaking in when my back is turned. I need running training to run after and catch them!

MAXINE MYERS: Well, we’ll see what we can do, Cesca.

MAXINE MYERS: Now, some more knee lifts. Count 10 of them. Not only will they make you a better runner, they’ll also help if you ever have to kick a zombie’s head clean off.

MAXINE MYERS: Good work, Five! Now imagine that zombie’s coming right for you - [imitates zombie moan] – and run!

MAXINE MYERS: Great stuff! 15 seconds down.

MAXINE MYERS: Halfway through. Good job!

MAXINE MYERS: 45 seconds down, fifteen seconds to go.

MAXINE MYERS: That’s excellent work, Runner Five, just excellent. That was your last run drill for today. And now just a minute’s walk, and we’ll move on.

MAXINE MYERS: Great. Now do your final set of knee lifts.

MAXINE MYERS: Now we’re going to mix it up again. I want you to do two eight-minute free-form runs today, and we’ll take a two-minute break in between for you to stretch and recover. So give it what you’ve got. I’ll time you and let you know when to rest. Remember that free-form run means you can walk or run in whatever proportions feel comfortable in your body. So, first free-form run now. Go!

MAXINE MYERS: You’re doing well. You’ve done two minutes.

MAXINE MYERS: Halfway there! Four minutes to go. Keep going.

MAXINE MYERS: Just two minutes to go, now! You’re doing great, Runner Five.

MAXINE MYERS: And that’s your first free-form run done. Stop for two minutes now. Stretch out anywhere that feels tight. You could try some thigh stretches, calf stretches, and maybe some for your shins if they’re sore.

FRANCESCA: Uh, yeah, this is too much for me.

MAXINE MYERS: Remember you can just walk, Cesca. You’re safe on the scanner, so move at whatever pace feels good to you.

FRANCESCA: You go on without me, Five. I, uh, saw some nettles back there. I’ll pick them for soup for this evening. See you back at base.

MAXINE MYERS: Okay, final free-form run of the day, Five. Make it a good one!

MAXINE MYERS: Two minutes down. You’re going well.

MAXINE MYERS: Four minutes done! You’re just dominating out there, Five!

MAXINE MYERS: Just two more minutes.

MAXINE MYERS: Okay, Runner Five, you’re done for the day. Take a few minutes now to cool down and stretch out those muscles while we chat. Did you get your nettles, Cesca?

FRANCESCA: Lovely nettles, some wild garlic. It will be a good soup. I’ll take some up to Sam later.

MAXINE MYERS: Uh, he just needs a little time.

FRANCESCA: We know. We miss him. It’s good that he’s taking the downtime in the hospital with you. But we hope to see him back soon. Oh, I have a gift for you, Runner Five, to say thank you for letting me come on your run today.

MAXINE MYERS: Take a day off running now, Five, and we’ll see you back here day after tomorrow.

Previous: Week 2 Workout 3 Next: Week 3 Workout 2