Zombies, Run! Wiki

"Plasmapheresis: 20K" is the third and final New Canton Race Mission of Season 1. This mission takes place after Season 1 Mission 18: Eavesdropping and at the same time as Abel Race Mission: Jeffro Complex: 20K.

Join New Canton's preemptive attack on Jeffro Complex.




Drop Zone
You are en route to the Jeffro Complex in an armoured truck, along with Archie. Nadia informs you that you'll be dropped about 5 kilometers out from Jeffro to avoid being spotted. Your purpose is to plant some "two-in-one devices". You arrive at the drop zone.

Archie thinks she spotted some runners from Abel Township. Nadia reminds her to stay focused; you've requested Archie personally because of her help in previous missions, but there are other runners who could replace her if she can't concentrate. Nadia reminds Archie that she'll be running ahead to keep your path clear to plant the six devices around the perimeter of the Jeffro Complex.

Good Luck
Archie spots the Jeffro Complex. She's nervous. Nadia tells her to focus - you have the supplies, the devices mentioned earlier. One of their functions is to act as microphones, allowing the council at New Canton to hear what's happening inside Jeffro. This will help them make their decision. Nadia wishes you luck.

Don't Need Luck
Nadia checks in. Archie needs to head off west to get closer to Jeffro. You should stay on your current path. Archie says she would wish you luck, but you don't need it.

First Device Planted
Archie confirms your way is clear. You plant the first device. As it comes online, Nadia patches you in to the audio coming from the mic. You hear Van Ark's voice; he's insisting to be put through to a woman.

Nadia informs Archie that there are 130 soldiers from New Canton on their way - a full platoon. Their action upon arrival will be determined by what they overhear via the microphones you're planting. Nadia patches you through again. You hear a conversation between Van Ark and Paula. He's asking her how long the treatment will go on for. She tells him it could be indefinite - the daily blood transfusions she's administering will keep the virus in check, but will not cure him.

As you place the second device, you overhear two soldiers from Jeffro discussing the "people in fridges". One refers to them as "half-zombies". Nadia finds this very interesting.

You overhear Paula asking Van Ark for more supplies. He tells her to stop complaining, that she's getting what she wants out of their arrangement. She shamefully agrees that she is.

Third Device
Archie warns you of some guards to your right. You sneak past them successfully, placing the third device in the process.

Into The Trees
Archie warns you that you've been spotted. Nadia confirms this. She instructs you to head into the trees, luring the guards with you - there are snipers positioned in the woods to take them out.

Tangos Down
The snipers take out the two guards. Nadia tells you to circle through the woods towards the next drop-off point while they check to make sure the guards didn't inform anyone of your location.

Head Back
Nadia confirms that the guards failed to inform anyone that you were coming. She says that the audio they reviewed did, however, contain some mention of "Abel Township runners". Archie recalls seeing some runners from Abel on the road in. Nadia says that, whatever their reason for being at Jeffro, it's good news for you, as they'll cause a distraction. She tells you to head back to Jeffro to plant more devices.

Final Decision
Nadia tells you that, with the fourth device in place, she has a good range of hearing across the whole complex. Archie reports that there's no trouble up ahead. Indeed, this sector seems unnaturally quiet. There's even some loose fencing, and no guards at all. Nadia urges you on. She'll keep relaying any interesting audio she picks up. She says "The final decision will be yours, of course."

Paula Needs The Cure
You overhear a conversation between Paula and Van Ark. He's accusing her of deliberately slowing down her research into a cure for the zombie virus. She rejects this - why would she do so, when she needs the cure as much as he does?

Abel On Site
Nadia reports that she's picking up some activity inside the base. She relays some audio from soldiers within the complex. They're searching for runners from Abel Township. Nadia instructs you to place the fifth device, then continue on your path.

New World Order
Nadia reports that the council in New Canton is in an emergency session, and that their decision must be unanimous. As Archie protests, Nadia patches through the audio of Van Ark. He's discussing the cure with Paula. He tells her he's captured Doctor Myers. Paula accuses him of lying. He threatens to prove it by showing her Maxine's corpse. He then reveals that his plan is to attack New Canton to erase any evidence of his involvement in the outbreak. He says he needs the evidence gone for when he sets up his new world order.

Final Bomb
Nadia asks you for your vote in the council's decision. Archie protests momentarily before agreeing that action must be taken, but she regrets that it'll mean murdering the people at Jeffro. Nadia understands, but asserts that New Canton's survival must be your priority. She instructs you to head to the final drop zone in order to place the last bomb, so that you'll be ready to detonate when a decision is made.

Manual Detonation
You overhear Runner 8 inside the base telling Dr Myers and Abel Runner 5 to run. Archie wants to help the runners from Abel - if you detonate the devices, they'll be caught in the blast and surely killed. Nadia can't believe Archie wants to help Abel when New Canton are gearing up to attack them. Archie replies that, right now, they're fighting the same enemy. Nadia gets permission from the council for you to manually detonate one of the bombs, giving the Abel Runners time to escape.

3, 2, 1 -
Nadia guides you in to trigger the device as you overhear Van Ark gloating that he's cornered the Abel runners. Archie says she wants to smash Van Ark's head like an egg. You trigger the explosion.

You approach the runners from Abel, who have escaped Jeffro. Archie introduces herself to Runner 8 and Doctor Myers. Nadia reports that the council agree with your actions at Jeffro. There's no need to further antagonise Abel at this point. Eventually, the council hope that Abel will join with New Canton, but currently their Major is preventing such a thing occurring. Archie asks Doctor Myers if she's heard of someone called "Paula".


[motor running]

ARCHIE JENSEN: This is nice! I haven’t ridden in a car since the apocalypse! Were they… always this bumpy? [vehicle rattling] Is it just that we’re not on the road?

NADIA AL HANAKI: Runner Five, Runner Twenty, confirm you’re receiving me.

ARCHIE JENSEN: We’ve got you, Nadia.

NADIA AL HANAKI: Good. Don’t get used to that comfortable ride. We’ll be dropping you shortly, five kilometers out from Jeffro, so you won’t be spotted. We’re hoping our maneuvers will distract them so you two can get in unseen and plant the devices next to the building.

ARCHIE JENSEN: Two-in-one devices, right? We don’t have to use both sides.

NADIA AL HANAKI: We have a two-stage plan, yes. Devised by Runner Five, who will be placing the devices.

ARCHIE JENSEN: So we don’t have to… ?

NADIA AL HANAKI: No, but we will if we must. Prepare yourself - entering the drop zone now! Time to jump off that truck, runners, and get moving!

ARCHIE JENSEN: Did you see we passed some Abel runners back there? When we were on the truck? Three or four people?

NADIA AL HANAKI: Keep your mind on the job, Runner Twenty. This is a serious mission! Runner Five requested you because you’ve done well on the previous missions, but if you can’t keep focused, we’ve got a dozen other operatives who can run outrider!

ARCHIE JENSEN: It’s okay, it’s okay! I’m focused! Focus… focus…

NADIA AL HANAKI: Your role is vital, Runner Twenty! Runner Five will be planting the six devices around the perimeter. You will be going ahead, to make sure there are no guards in the way, no zoms, and leading them away if there are. That way, Five can get as close as possible. We need to be close!

ARCHIE JENSEN: I understand. I know this is important. I’m here, forgetting about the Abel Township runners. Totally forgetting. Forgotten. There.

ARCHIE JENSEN: I can see it! There, in the distance! Lit up buildings, and those fences. I’m all… I’m nervous, Runner Five. Really nervous. Butterflies. I’m sure I’ll be fine, but -

NADIA AL HANAKI: Just focus on the mission! Runner Five has the supplies.

ARCHIE JENSEN: [sighs] The… microphones.

NADIA AL HANAKI: That’s one thing they do. The more of them we place around the perimeter, the more detailed an aural picture we’ll build up of what’s going on in there. It’ll help us make our decision. Remember, keep off the paths, as we discussed. Just follow the plan. Concentrate on the plan, and you’ll be fine.

ARCHIE JENSEN: And if something goes wrong?

NADIA AL HANAKI: If something goes wrong, we’ll let you know what to do. We’re switching to secure channels. No unnecessary comms. We won’t be in touch again until you’re nearer the target. Go!

ARCHIE JENSEN: No good luck?

NADIA AL HANAKI: And good luck.

NADIA AL HANAKI: Checking in, Runners Five and Twenty. You’ve been going for three and a half kilometers. It’s time to spread out now. Runner Twenty, head west, closer into Jeffro. Runner Five, keep on your current path for the time being.

ARCHIE JENSEN: I’d wish you luck, Five, but I’m sure you don’t need it.

NADIA AL HANAKI: Runner Five relies on planning, not luck.

ARCHIE JENSEN: I guess that’s why you’re on the council, huh?

NADIA AL HANAKI: That’s good, Runner Five. Just along there. Runner Twenty’s running outrider for you as agreed. She says there’s nothing up ahead.

ARCHIE JENSEN: I can say it myself! There’s nothing up ahead, Five.

NADIA AL HANAKI: Yes. As close to the wall as you can get without being seen by the guards. And now we should be able to… yes. That mic’s coming online. I’ll patch you into our audio stream from Jeffro.


PROFESSOR VAN ARK: Yes, this is Van Ark. For God’s sake, do I have to do the security routine every time? Just put me through to her.

ARCHIE JENSEN: Are we bringing everyone in?

NADIA AL HANAKI: Runner Twenty, that’s a confirm. We have a hundred and thirty on their way to the Jeffro Complex. Confirm - that is a full platoon.

ARCHIE JENSEN: And then what are we planning to do?

NADIA AL HANAKI: That depends on what we hear.

ARCHIE JENSEN: And what are we hearing?

NADIA AL HANAKI: Listen for yourself.


PROFESSOR VAN ARK: How long will this treatment have to go on for?

PAULA COHEN: You know the answer to that! It could be indefinite.

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: It’s not good enough, Paula, you know it’s not!

PAULA COHEN: I don’t know what else to tell you! We’re working as hard as we can. We’ve managed to hold back the progress of the virus in your system through plasmapheresis. It’s an incredible breakthrough.

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: It’s daily bloody plasma transfusions, Doctor Cohen! Daily! For how long?

PAULA COHEN: I’ve told you before! I can’t change my answer just because you don’t like it. It could be forever.

NADIA AL HANAKI: Okay, that’s good. Second device in position. Great work, Runner Five. We can always rely on you. We’ve got audio access to several other areas of the compound now. Isolating channels… ah! Here’s an interesting one.

FIRST UNIDENTIFIED VOICE: They give me the creeps, those people in the fridges, they just give me the bloody creeps.

SECOND UNIDENTIFIED VOICE: More than the zombies?

FIRST UNIDENTIFIED VOICE: At least they are zombies. You can just kill them! These? Half zombies.

NADIA AL HANAKI: We certainly are learning a lot! Good work, Five. Carry on. We’ll patch you into any interesting audio as it comes in.

PAULA COHEN: If you could just give me more supplies, a few more people to work on the project. Didn’t you say there were some scientists in New Canton?

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: Oh, not for much longer. You’ve got all you need, Doctor Cohen. I do wish you’d stop whining.

PAULA COHEN: We don’t even have basic equipment here. Our autoclave only functions intermittently, our centrifuge -

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: [interrupts] You’re getting what you want out of this, too, though, aren’t you, Paula? Aren’t you, my dear?


ARCHIE JENSEN: A few guards to your right, Runner Five. Just make sure not to get too close to them, and… Yes! That’s good, they haven’t noticed you.

NADIA AL HANAKI: That’s great, Runner Five. Third device in position. Just three more to go. Keep running.

NADIA AL HANAKI: That’s right, Runner Five’s there now with Runner Twenty. They’re circling anti-clockwise and getting -

ARCHIE JENSEN: [whispers] Runner Five - two guards! I think they’ve spotted you!

NADIA AL HANAKI: That’s a confirm, two guards following close behind you. Doesn’t sound like they’ve radioed back to base yet. They’re awfully quiet out there… Okay, we have a strategy. Runner Five, head into the trees to your left. We have snipers waiting half a kilometer in, they’ll get them. Good luck, run fast!

[two gunshots]


NADIA AL HANAKI: Yep, we got them. Now we need to check if they let anyone know where they were going. We’ll play back all the audio we have and check for trace data. Runner Five, circle through the woods toward the next drop-off point. Run silent. We’ll let you know if it’s safe to head back in towards Jeffro. Keep going! The council want me to pass on their respect to you. They know you’re the only one of them who could do this.

NADIA AL HANAKI: Okay, we’re a confirm - no one at base is looking for those guards yet, and they didn’t tell anyone where they were going. The most we have is one of them muttering something about looking out to see if you’re one of those Abel Township runners.

ARCHIE JENSEN: That’s… weird. Wait, didn’t we see some guys from Abel on the road earlier?

NADIA AL HANAKI: Don’t know why they’d come out this far, though. Unless they’re following us. They’re sneaky like that. Runner Five, whatever this Abel Township business is, it’s good news for us. The Jeffro Complex is distracted. Head back towards the walls. It’s time to plant more devices.

NADIA AL HANAKI: That’s good, Runner Five. The fourth device is in position now. We’ve got good range of hearing across the base. Only two more to go and we’ll have full coverage.

ARCHIE JENSEN: Runner Twenty here. Still running outrider for Five. No trouble up ahead. In fact, this sector seems weirdly calm. Like… no guards, no one to work around, nothing. They’ve left this eastern flank wide open. It’s so strange. Do you think this part is haunted?

NADIA AL HANAKI: [laughs] We don’t have time for a seance.

ARCHIE JENSEN: No, but I think there’s even some loose fencing around here, and no guards at all!

NADIA AL HANAKI: Just makes our work easier. Carry on. I’ll keep on piping you interesting audio as I find it, Runner Five. The final decision will be yours, of course.


PROFESSOR VAN ARK: If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were deliberately going slowly in that lab of yours.

PAULA COHEN: You know I can’t do that.

[glass shatters]

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: Do you think I’m blind? Going slowly, causing confusion, mixing up supplies. Maybe I should bring you here to Jeffro where I can supervise. Maybe I need to find someone to interrogate in front of you, just for… encouragement.

PAULA COHEN: Van Ark, why the hell would I do that? It’s not as if… [sighs] It’s not as if I don’t want the cure as much as you do. I hate having the daily treatment, too.

NADIA AL HANAKI: We’re picking up some activity inside the base, guys. Listen to this, I’ll patch you in.

JEFFRO SOLDIER: You go round to the Deep Freeze, you go around to the accommodation blocks. We have to find those Abel Township runners.

ARCHIE JENSEN: There are… Abel Township runners in there?

NADIA AL HANAKI: We don’t know what’s going on, but we might not have time to find out. Runner Five, place your device there in the grass, then continue running around.

NADIA AL HANAKI: The council is in emergency session. The decision must be unanimous.

ARCHIE JENSEN: They can’t vote for - !

NADIA AL HANAKI: Listen! Listen to what he’s saying!

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: Do you know what I like about you, Paula? I know I can trust you. Our interests are perfectly aligned. You want what I want. A vaccine, a cure. It’s rather marvelous, isn’t it?

PAULA COHEN: Marvelous?

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: Oh, I’m not an idiot. I know you’d get away if you could, but you can’t. And so, why not keep working? Now, if only I could rely on anyone else. Oh, I suppose I should let you know. We’ve captured Maxine Myers.

PAULA COHEN: Max… Maxine? ...Maxine?

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: Yes, she walked into the compound, like a good little lamb. The guards are bringing her in right now. Now, shall I infect her, or shall I kill her? It would be nice for the two of you to be working together for me, and yet, I think you might end up causing trouble.

PAULA COHEN: You’re lying. You haven’t got her. If you had, you’d put her on. I know you now.

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: Ah, well. I’ll show you soon enough. But I think it’ll have to be a corpse. Like all those people from Keeley, who found their way to New Canton. Best to get rid of the whole place. Can’t have evidence washing around when we do manage to set up the New World Order.

NADIA AL HANAKI: Runner Five, we’re ready. The council have okayed our actions here. The final vote is yours. If you agree with their decision, then we have no choice after what we just heard.

ARCHIE JENSEN: Can’t we…. I know you’re right, but live people! Lively, alive, living people!

NADIA AL HANAKI: We understand. But the survival of New Canton must be our priority. Runner Five, the devices you’ve laid are ready and primed. Head toward the final zone to drop the last bomb and if you agree, we’ll be ready to detonate.


SARA SMITH: Come on, run!

JEFFRO SOLDIER: That’s them there! After them!

ARCHIE JENSEN: Is there no way we can help those Abel Township runners? They’ve nearly got them! And if we explode the -

NADIA AL HANAKI: Help Abel? After all they’ve done to us? You know we’re about to attack them!

ARCHIE JENSEN: But right now, we’re fighting the same enemy! “My enemy’s enemy is my friend.” Anyone that jerk Van Ark wants to kill is - well, you know, I don’t think we should kill them with our own explosives, that’s all I’m saying!

NADIA AL HANAKI: Let me just… [quietly, away from the microphone] Do you hear what she’s saying? Right, okay. [normal volume] The council have okayed it in principle. Runner Five, the decision is yours. If you want to help those people, we can start detonation from the furthest mark from the Abel runners. That might give them a chance to get away. That means you’d have to head back around to relay station one and set that charge off manually. The decision’s yours, Five. If you want to help those Abel runners, go now.

NADIA AL HANAKI: Runner Five, another hundred meters or so until you hit the switch to detonate.


PROFESSOR VAN ARK: You have led us quite the merry little dance, Maxine. Up hill and down dale. [continues monologuing in the background]

ARCHIE JENSEN: I can’t believe I liked that guy! What an egghead!

NADIA AL HANAKI: As in a clever, well-read person?

ARCHIE JENSEN: No! A person whose head should be smashed like an egg! Why should it mean that - ?

NADIA AL HANAKI: That’s great, Runner Five. Now hit the switch in ten, nine, eight [continues counting down while Van Ark monologues]

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: Oh, this little thing. We’ve got far worse than that in store for you, I’m afraid. Far, far - [explosion]


SARA SMITH: - dirty great hole some new best friend blew in the outer perimeter of that compound!

MAXINE MYERS: Did they blow up Van Ark? Or whoever it was?

ARCHIE JENSEN: Hallo! [clears throat] Hi! Hello… you’re asking about Van Ark, and who blew him up? That was… us. But no, we think he got away. Helicopter heading north.

SARA SMITH: You’re the… the New Canton soldiers?

ARCHIE JENSEN: I’m not a soldier! I’m a protein crystallographer! … That’s always been such a funny word! Crys-tal-log-ra-pher.

SARA SMITH: But you're from New Canton?

ARCHIE JENSE: Yeah. [conversation continues in the background]

NADIA AL HANAKI: Runner Five, I’ve had word from the council. They’re in agreement with your actions here today. There’s no need to antagonize Abel at this juncture. We still hope they’ll see sense eventually and join with New Canton. We’re stronger together. It’s that Major of theirs, holding out like some damned survivalist. When we get rid of her, they’ll come to us. There’s no sense wasting human lives beforehand. The council want to hear your views as soon as you’re back, Runner Five. They won’t act without you.

ARCHIE JENSEN: - no one seems to use "colleague" any more, hey?

MAXINE MYERS: You… worked with Van Ark?

ARCHIE JENSEN: That’s how I knew who you were talking about.

MAXINE MYERS: We should talk.

ARCHIE JENSEN: Have you heard of someone called… Paula?



The following supplies can be found in this mission.

(List may be incomplete.)

9mm Ammo 9mm Ammo
Axe Axe
Bandages Bandages
Batteries Batteries
Book Book
Bottled Water Bottled Water
Box of Lightbulbs Box of Lightbulbs
Mobile Phone Mobile Phone
Pain Meds Pain Meds
Power Cable Power Cable
Radio Radio
Shirt Shirt
Shorts Shorts
Tinned Food Tinned Food
Tool Box Tool Box
Trousers Trousers
Underwear Underwear

Other Languages[]

This mission is also available in Spanish, Korean, Japanese, and French.

Language Title Translation
Spanish Plasmaféresis: 20K Plasmapheresis: 20K
Korean 혈장 사혈: 20K Plasma Bleeding: 20K
Japanese 血毅交換 : 20K Blood Exchange : 20K
French Plasmaphérèse : 20 km Plasmapheresis : 20 km
Previous: Etymology: 10K Next: N/A