Zombies, Run! Wiki

"Jeffro Complex: 20K" is the third and final Abel Township Race Mission of Season 1. This mission takes place at the same time as the New Canton Race Mission: Plasmapheresis: 20K.

Follow up the lead Professor Van Ark gave you.




Short Run
In a breach of the Major's rules, Doctor Myers will be accompanying you on this run. You'll be travelling back to Hertston to investigate the remains of Simpson's Cornershop; the Doctor is along for the run so that she can analyse the lab equipment. Sam and Maxine bicker about a previous mission to an abandoned carnival before she assures him everything will be fine and you set off for your run.

Sam is dubious about the run to Hertston. He's convinced there'll be nothing left to look at after the fire. Maxine tells him she may be able to reconstruct some of the setup, which triggers an excited rant about CSI from Sam. After she calms him down, Maxine speculates on the nature of the "cornershop's" research: was it medical? Scientific? Perhaps Terrorist?

Making It Up
Doctor Myers asks Runner 8 for her impressions of Van Ark, specifically his state of mind & how trustworthy he seemed. Runner 8 asks if she's thinking about Paula. Maxine admits she is. Runner 8 reassures the Doctor that Van Ark didn't seem to be making up the things he said, for which Maxine thanks her.

Sam alerts you to a strange signal at your 3 o'clock. He identifies three jeeps carrying around 40 people. Runner 8 thinks its likely a raiding party, but points out that they're not heading for Abel. Sam tries to convince you all to head back, but the Doctor insists you press on.

Too Late
Sam refuses to allow Jack and Eugene into the Comms Shack to broadcast Radio Abel. Runner 8 reports that you're within sight of the cornershop. In the distance, you hear a voice trying to get your attention. Runner 8 spots him: he's made camp near the burned-out building and is wielding a rifle. He warns you away from the store; there are zombies in there, but it's too late and they begin to chase you.

Make it Quick
After escaping the zombies, the man with the rifle introduces himself: Ephraim Whately. Runner 8 plans a distraction so that Doctor Myers can investigate the ruins of the cornershop.

Mighty Interesting
Ephraim is pleased that you're not from New Canton; he believes them to be "hard". He shows you his radio, with which he has been listening in to New Canton transmissions. You overhear Nadia telling her Runner 5 and Runner Twenty that there are 130 people en route to the Jeffro Complex from New Canton.

Radio Silent
Sam tries to dissuade Maxine from going to Jeffro. She insists it's important: not only do they need to learn about Jeffro's research into the outbreak, they also need to warn them about the approaching force from New Canton. Sam is adamant that it's a bad idea. Runner 8 agrees to go with Doctor Myers, no matter what Sam says. Ephraim advises radio silence to minimise your chance of being discovered. You set off towards Jeffro.

Cut Off
Ephraim observes New Canton soldiers in all directions. Maxine and Runner 8 say that this has the feeling of something big about to happen. Runner 8 gives Doctor Myers the option to go back to Abel, but your route home has been cut off by zoms. Your only way out is forwards.

Ephraim asks if you're armed. He then offers some guns he and his sister, Patty, picked up during the outbreak. Runner 8 accepts his offer.

Long Way Around
A radio broadcast from Nadia alerts you to New Canton soldiers about a mile ahead of you. Ephraim suggests you take a detour to avoid them.

You Know What To Do
Runner 8 marvels at Ephraim's underground weapons cache. Ephraim is suspicious of her interest and hurries you out after giving you some pistols. Runner 8 asks you to go back for her knife, saying she must have dropped it. As you go, she whispers "you know what to do".

Not Far Now
Ephraim tells you about his history with the Jeffro Complex. They used to pay him and his sister to gather food and supplies for them. This leads to him expounding his views on religion and the apocalypse; "We're those who need to be punished before He decides whether to let us into Heaven."

A Research Station
As you approach the Jeffro Complex, Ephraim warns you not to approach the main gate in case they shoot you. Runner 8 thinks this may be a good idea, but Doctor Myers wonders at why a research station would shoot visitors.

Ephraim leads you through a break in Jeffro's defences that his sister discovered. Once you're inside, the trap is sprung. Professor Van Ark's voice issues from nearby loudspeakers. He thanks Ephraim for bringing you to him and informs you that running would be futile: you're surrounded. The situation seems hopeless, but Runner 8 throws a flashbang to blind the soldiers and you escape.

Commencing Second Phase
Doctor Myers and Runner 8 agree that they've just seen Van Ark. Alive, and with a healed bite wound on his arm. Maxine says this seems impossible. Runner 8 says it must be possible as she directs you on your escape.

Out Of Our Way
As you continue your escape, you overhear a voice from a nearby building. Maxine asks if you all heard it too. Runner 8 confirms: it sounds like Paula. She allows that you could take a chance to look in through the skylight, but nothing more.

Patty Whateley
As you climb the building, you see inside through the skylight. There's no-one inside, merely a recording of Paula's voice. You see a series of deep-freeze units containing people connected to medical equipment which appears to be cleaning their blood. Amongst the units you see one labelled "Patty Whateley": Ephraim's sister.

After Them!
Your escape is thwarted by soldiers guarding the perimeter of the base. You double back in an attempt to find another way out.

Your way is blocked once more. Van Ark taunts you through the speakers. As he threatens you with a worse fate that zombification, you hear a distant explosion. In the ensuing confusion, Runner 8 bids you run. As you do so, the explosions continue, growing nearer.

You escape the Jeffro Complex through a hole in the outer perimeter created by the explosions. A Runner from New Canton introduces herself as the cause of the explosions, but says that Van Ark escaped. She introduces herself as Runner 20 and says she used to be a colleague of Van Ark's.


SAM YAO: It’s just that, with the Major away -

MAXINE MYERS: I know, I know! She has her rules! “Don’t risk the doctor.” It makes sense, it does, but just this one time.

SAM YAO: Well, that’s what the old Runner Seventeen said about going to that old abandoned carnival that everyone said was haunted, remember?

MAXINE MYERS: Well, it wasn’t haunted.

SAM YAO: Yeah, but still, it wasn’t a good idea though, was it?

MAXINE MYERS: I guess we learned that zombies are attracted by the smell of really old candy floss.

SAM YAO: Not a lesson worth knowing. What I’m saying is, these rules are there for a reason. You might get bitten! But, you know, you might also get attacked by wild dogs! You might… tangle with some roaming cannibals!

[talking over each other]

MAXINE MYERS: You’ve been reading The Road again, haven’t you? I told you not to read that before bedtime!

SAM YAO: You might fall over! You might be attacked by unicorns, might get stuck somewhere, and have to stay out overnight, and I know there’s no one in the hospital right now, but there might be!

MAXINE MYERS: We’ve checked the whole sector. There are no zoms within several kilometres of Hertston. And I’m the only one who can try to identify what’s left of that lab equipment, in the lab that we thought was the Simpson’s Corner Shop, and try to see what’s going on down there.

SAM YAO: I still think it’s -

SARA SMITH: And me and Five will be there, too. For protection.

MAXINE MYERS: We’re going to be fine! There and back before you know it. Plus, we always say, runners are safer than cars. Make no noise, attract no zoms. It’s only a few kilometres, Sam. Hardly a marathon. It’s not as if I’m insisting on going to the Jeffro Complex, is it.

SAM YAO: [laughs] Well, you wouldn’t really insist on -

MAXINE MYERS: No no, I know the risks. We’ll find out all we can, and then maybe, eventually, we’ll go to Jeffro. But for now, just a little run down to Hertston to visit that lab.

SAM YAO: Mm… well, if you’re sure. Be safe out there! Okay, Runner Five, Runner Eight? ...Doctor? Ready?


SAM YAO: Raise the gates! [gate siren, gates raising] Covering fire! [gunshots] Short run to Hertston… go!

SAM YAO: Look, is there anything you can really learn from that place in Hertston? It was on fire last time we saw it! Can you learn a lot from a pile of ashes?

MAXINE MYERS: As long as there’s some equipment left intact, we might be able to reconstruct what -

SAM YAO: Oh! Oh, what, like CSI? Are you going to, like, enlarge a single fragment of ash until you can tell exactly where it was bought and how old the person who bought it was and what bubble-gum they were chewing at the time and -



MAXINE MYERS: I’ve told you before, CSI was never very accurate about forensic science. And even less so when I don’t have any equipment, and I’m not… how can I put this?

SARA SMITH: Not a forensic scientist?

MAXINE MYERS: That about covers it. We’re hoping to find something I recognize. Something that’ll tell us something. And if we don’t find any equipment that I recognize -

SARA SMITH: That’ll tell us something, too. We know our patient zero worked there. We know it wasn’t a corner shop. We have to find out everything we can about what it was - medical, scientific research, terrorists…

SAM YAO: Terrorists?

SARA SMITH: It’s a possibility.

SAM YAO: Gulp.

MAXINE MYERS: Tell me about Van Ark again. How did he seem?

SARA SMITH: You heard him. Frightened, mostly. And brave in the end. He died well.

MAXINE MYERS: But not crazy, right? He didn’t seem like he was making stuff up?

SARA SMITH: You’re thinking about Paula.


SARA SMITH: I wouldn’t have said he was making stuff up, no.

MAXINE MYERS: Thanks… thank you.

SAM YAO: Guys, do you see that? At your three o'clock?


SAM YAO: Not unless they’ve learned how to march in formation. And drive Jeeps.

SARA SMITH: Only people around here with more than one Jeep are New Canton. How many do you see, Sam?

SAM YAO: Around forty of them. Armed. Three vehicles.

SARA SMITH: A raiding party. At least they’re headed away from Abel. This time.

MAXINE MYERS: Three Jeeps. That’s a hell of a risk.

SAM YAO: Yeah. They’ve picked up a small tail of zoms, quite a distance back.

SARA SMITH: We’ll bear left and steer clear. If you get any idea what they’re up to, let us know.

SAM YAO: Yeah. Are you sure this is the best day to be out, Doc? Don’t want to head back, now?

MAXINE MYERS: We’re almost there, Sam! We’re really almost there.

SAM YAO: Yeah, I know, but I’m staying here until the doc’s back! Tell Jack and Eugene they can have this shack when I go for my rest break! If their listeners are that loyal, they’ll wait for them, won’t they? No, I’m sorry. Sorry! Shouldn’t be much longer.

SARA SMITH: Okay, we’ve been running for four kilometres. We’re near, now. It’s just there, in the distance. You see it?

MAXINE MYERS: Uh, that building. Simpson’s Corner Shop? The sign’s still on it. There’s some smoke damage, and the roof’s gone.

SARA SMITH: Yeah, but it doesn’t look too bad. Fire must have burnt itself out. There should be plenty there for you to look at, if you’re careful.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: [shouting from a distance] Hey, hey!

SAM YAO: New Canton?

SARA SMITH: No, it’s… looks like someone who’s made camp near the burned-out building. Lone guy, rifle.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: Don’t come in that way! [zombie growls] In the store, there are -

SARA SMITH: Too late! Eight zoms, close quarters! Looks like they’ve been feeding on a dead cow! Run!

[zombie growling, gunshot]

EPHRAIM WHATELY: Whew! Four down! Come this way - it’ll get us to higher ground! You armed?

MAXINE MYERS: No! We, uh -

SARA SMITH: I am. Not too much ammo to spare, though.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: Better aim for the head, I guess.

[gunshots, zombies splattering]

SARA SMITH: Last one, good. There more about?

EPHRAIM WHATELY: All over town. They were drawn by that fire. Been picking them off when I can.

SARA SMITH: Well, Five, it seems like you and me need to run a little defence while the doc takes a look around in the burned-out shop. Five, you go with… sorry, I didn’t catch your name.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: Name’s Ephraim. Ephraim Whately.

SARA SMITH: Sara. But we go by our runner numbers at Abel. I’m Runner Eight. This is Runner Five. You two circle that way, I’ll go this way, and Doc? Make it quick!

EPHRAIM WHATELY: You’re not from New Canton, huh? Can’t say I’m sorry. Them New Canton people are hard. Mean, you know? Tell you what I know that they don’t know, though. See my radio?


NADIA AL HANAKI: Runner Five and Runner Twenty…


EPHRAIM WHATELY: They keep on changing that frequency, but I keep on following them. Don’t trust them. They lock people out. Locked me and Patty out when we were running from a pack. Would have watched us die.


NADIA AL HANAKI: Runner Twenty, that’s a confirm. We have a hundred and thirty on their way to the Jeffro Complex. Confirm, that’s the full platoon.


EPHRAIM WHATELY: That’s mighty interesting.


MAXINE MYERS: We’re out here now. It’s not even that much further.

SAM YAO: This isn’t the - it’s not the mission, Maxine! This is not the mission! I’ve seen it before! This is how people get killed, you know it is. You know it!

MAXINE MYERS: There’s nothing conclusive here at Hertston anyway. Beakers, lab equipment. Something was going on here, but there’s no way to know what, and we are so near to Jeffro now. We have to warn them, Sam! If New Canton are coming for them, we have to let them know. They don’t answer radio transmissions, you know that yourself!

SARA SMITH: We’re safer sticking together.

SAM YAO: Yes, yes! Stick together and come back! Right now!

[static, indistinct transmission from NADIA AL HANAKI]

EPHRAIM WHATELY: New Canton are moving. Heading south and east of us.

MAXINE MYERS: They’re directly across the path of home anyway.

SAM YAO: Only for now! Wait a while, come back later!

MAXINE MYERS: After dark? Oh yeah, that’s going to be safe.

SAM YAO: [sighs] I know you miss Paula -

MAXINE MYERS: I have to see what they’re doing at Jeffro, Sam, it is not that. If they’re close to a vaccine there, if what we’ve learned could help - Sam! The human race, imagine it! A day when a zombie bite is no more than a dog bite. Tetanus shot and you’re done! Imagine.

SAM YAO: We don’t know enough to - ! Jeffro won’t communicate with the outside world, we don’t know if they’re even still out there!

MAXINE MYERS: Sara, if I go, will you come with me?

SARA SMITH: We should find out what New Canton are up to.

MAXINE MYERS: We’ll just go a little further, okay? The four of us.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: I’ll show you the back roads. But if I come, we’re radio silent. New Canton can pick us up if you’re talking to Abel.

SAM YAO: Radio - ? Oh, no! That’s - no! That is absolutely -

MAXINE MYERS: Radio silent. I’m sorry, Sam. You’ll be able to see us on the scanner most of the way.

SAM YAO: No! That’s totally - [cut off by receiver being switched off, static]

EPHRAIM WHATELY: They’re everywhere! New Canton soldiers to the east, south, southwest, and west. What are you planning, you crawling cockroaches? What in the hell are you planning?

[mysterious ringing tone]

MAXINE MYERS: Maybe Sam’s right, this has the feeling of something…

SARA SMITH: Something big. Which makes me want to see what it is.

MAXINE MYERS: How far are we from Jeffro now?

SARA SMITH: About half as far again as we’ve already come. Doc, I have one duty: protect Abel. That means find out what’s threatening it and keep its doctor safe. If you want to turn back, Five and I will come with you. We’ll send someone else out here.

MAXINE MYERS: And if we’re too late? [zombie growls] [sighs] Do they never let up?




MAXINE MYERS: Cutting off our direct route home.

SARA SMITH: Guess that answers that question. No way on but forward.

[zombies growling]

EPHRAIM WHATELY: You armed, Doc? Runner Five armed?

MAXINE MYERS: No, we, um… I don’t travel armed. Not with guns, anyway. Never have. I wear my Red Cross badge on my sleeve. I don’t want to get into any fights. Not with the living.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: I have weapons. Me and Patty picked them up when that military transport got eaten just by the stadium. Got them hidden in the cellar of a house not far from here. Want a gun or two?

SARA SMITH: We wouldn’t say no, I’m sure.

MAXINE MYERS: Well, I, uh…

SARA SMITH: We wouldn’t say no. Bet you picked up a good haul, there. Some interesting stuff?

EPHRAIM WHATELY: It was the good Lord’s bounty. A ripe harvest. Guns, ammunition, grenades, flashbangs, body armour. He wanted me and Patty to be safe, right enough.

SARA SMITH: Flashbangs…

EPHRAIM WHATELY: Can’t let you have ought but a pair of pistols, though. But since the Lord sent you my way, reckon it’s my duty to keep you safe too. It’s this way.


NADIA AL HANAKI: That’s right. Runner Five’s there now with Runner Twenty... [garbled]


SARA SMITH: I see them. New Canton soldiers, about a mile ahead, right the way we’re heading. We’ve been running for 10K now, Doc. You holding up okay?

MAXINE MYERS: I’m fine! I could do another 10K easy if we needed. But those New Canton soldiers are facing away from us, heading away.

SARA SMITH: Can’t take the chance.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: We’ll go the long way around. The good Lord will show us the way. My ammo store’s not far.

[door unlocking, footsteps]

SARA SMITH: [long impressed whistle] Nice collection of arms you have here. Expecting an army?

EPHRAIM WHATELY: No time for dilly-dallying! Here’s what you need - [gun cocks] - a pistol each.

MAXINE MYERS: I think Runner Eight’s just, uh, admiring your weaponry.

SARA SMITH: Can’t stay away from some good ammo.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: Don’t be touching what’s not yours.

MAXINE MYERS: Not after all your kindness.


SARA SMITH: I think I've dropped my knife back there. Runner Five, go back and get it for me! [whispers] You know what to do.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: Didn’t think to come out this far again. Not after the last time.

MAXINE MYERS: You’ve been out to Jeffro before?

EPHRAIM WHATELY: Many times. Me and my sister Patty, well, we was never what you’d call “friends” of Jeffro, but they’d pay us to gather for them, to fetch and carry. Paid us in food, and clean water, and good medicine. They’re rich men in Jeffro. Rich men who can’t fit through the eye of a needle, you know. That’s why they’re still here, on earth.

SARA SMITH: I can tell you’re a religious man, Ephraim. I was a Catholic myself, back when I was young.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: Anyone with eyes in his head believes now. Ain’t no explanation for all of this but the wrath of God! Me and Patty, we took on the Lord’s work, walking from town to town, spreading the good news. We kept ourselves separate, never stayed overnight in a town. That’s how we were spared when the Lord called His own to Him.

MAXINE MYERS: You think the Lord did all this?

EPHRAIM WHATELY: Not a sparrow falls but that He sees it, ma'am! Not a man dies but that He knows it! This is His judgement upon the human race! Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin. We’ve been weighed in the balance and found wanting, and those who died early, they’re His blessed ones, who He gathered to Him at once. And we who live on through this hell… we’re those that need to be punished before He decides whether to let us into heaven. That is why I help you! That is why I help all who ask me! Because the Lord is watching. He’s watching us now more than ever before!

MAXINE MYERS: And, um… how far are we now?

EPHRAIM WHATELY: Not far now, ma'am. Not far at all.

MAXINE MYERS: There it is, I see it! Oh wow, it’s…

SARA SMITH: Yeah. It’s big.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: If we head for the main gate, they’ll stop us. Might even shoot us if we get too close.

MAXINE MYERS: Shoot? But I thought they were working on a vaccine here.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: A vaccine? Against the judgment of the Lord? They’re doing some science work, but it won’t help them, no. I’ll get you into the compound, and then I’ll leave you to find your own way.

SARA SMITH: It’s not a stupid idea to go in quietly. We don’t know what we’re heading into. This way, if there’s anything we don’t like the look of, we can beat a swift retreat.

MAXINE MYERS: But they’re a research station.

SARA SMITH: We don’t know anything until we get there. Stick close to me.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: You all stay close behind me, you hear? We need to keep moving. Me and Patty worked out a route that’d keep us out of their cameras if we just keep moving. She was a smart girl, smarter than me, even though she was my little sister. She kept watch on the camera movements here, figured out the blind spots. Don’t stop! We’re nearly at that spot where the fence is loose!

MAXINE MYERS: Was Patty bitten?

EPHRAIM WHATELY: She’s with Jesus now. Here it is. Quickly now, through the fence and head left. I’ll take you through and show you the way to the science block, but then, you’re on your own.

SARA SMITH: Sure, we understand.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: Good. Everyone’s through? Good. Now, follow me. Quiet as mice, remember? Quiet as church mice. It’s just down -

[spotlights activating]

SARA SMITH: What the - ?

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: [over intercom] I wouldn’t try running, if I were you. You’re completely surrounded.

EPHRAIM WHATELY: I brung them to you! I brung them, just like you said to. Here they are! Now give me what’s mine!

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: Very well done! And radio silent for the past three miles. Jolly good work.

MAXINE MYERS: [whispers] Is that…? I can’t see with these lights, but - [out loud] Is that - ?

SARA SMITH: [whispers] I don’t care who it is! You got that thing I asked you to pick up, Runner Five? Hand it to me now. And when I say run, run! To the left. And close your eyes now!

JEFFRO SOLDIER: Drop your weapons! Hands up, now!

[SARA SMITH sets off a flashbang; soldiers cough]

SARA SMITH: That’s it, they’re disorientated, now. Come on, open your eyes and run!

MAXINE MYERS: You saw who that was, right?

SARA SMITH: Keep quiet and stay low. I kept my eyes open as we came in. There should be some low-lying buildings here that we can climb to the top of. They’re near enough to the perimeter that we can escape over the roof. They’ll expect us to double back and head for the entrance.

MAXINE MYERS: But you saw who that was?


MAXINE MYERS: Tell me what you saw, so I know I’m not crazy.

SARA SMITH: It was Professor Van Ark! With a healed bite wound to his arm.

MAXINE MYERS: And that’s not possible.

SARA SMITH: Must be possible, we’ve just seen it! Stay low. We’re heading for those long buildings to the left, the ones with the skylights.

PAULA COHEN: Commencing second phase, on my mark.

JEFFRO SOLDIER: Over here! Look that way!

PAULA COHEN: Commencing hydration phase.

MAXINE MYERS: Did you hear that?


MAXINE MYERS: Coming from that building over there.


PAULA COHEN: Sequence initiated.

MAXINE MYERS: Runner Five, you know who it is, that’s Paula! [shouts] Paul-!

SARA SMITH: Are you crazy? There are soldiers everywhere looking for us!

MAXINE MYERS: I know! I just, I have to - !

SARA SMITH: We can go and look in the skylight, if you want. But that’s all we can do! It’ll take us out of our way as it is.

MAXINE MYERS: Thank you.

SARA SMITH: Come on. Run.

SARA SMITH: Come on, up the ladder, Runner Five. Doc and I will follow. [footsteps on ladder] There’s no one in there. It’s just a recorded voice.

PAULA COHEN: Commencing plasma cleaning.

MAXINE MYERS: But if it’s a recording, it means that Paula was here, that she might still be alive, and… What in the hell are they doing in there?

SARA SMITH: Looks like a bunch of zoms in deep freeze units.

MAXINE MYERS: They’re not zoms. Look! They’re connected to IVs cleaning their blood. And it’s blood coming out, not that grayish fluid.

SARA SMITH: There are names on each unit.

MAXINE MYERS: No one writes a zom’s name on anything! Look, do you see that?

SARA SMITH: “Patty Whately.”

MAXINE MYERS: Hmm, I guess we know what Ephraim was hoping to get from them.

SARA SMITH: We don’t have time to waste. Come on, along this building, along the next one, then down, and up the next. Runner Five, you take point. Go!

SARA SMITH: Dammit, they’ve posted soldiers at the perimeter, the way I was heading. Come on, double back the way we came. Maybe there’s another way. Come on, run!

JEFFRO SOLDIER: That’s them there! After them!


SARA SMITH: They’re in front of us.

JEFFRO SOLDIER: Halt or I fire!

MAXINE MYERS: And behind us.

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: [over intercom] You have led us quite the merry little dance, Maxine. Up hill and down dale…

JEFFRO SOLDIER: I said, halt!

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: My advice is to do as they say. With all these zombies around, they’re quite trigger-happy.

SARA SMITH: We saw you! We saw you get bitten!

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: Oh, this little thing. [laughs] We’ve got far worse than that in store for you, I’m afraid. Far, far [cut off by an explosion]

MAXINE MYERS: What? Was that you, Eight?

SARA SMITH: Not me! [more explosions] But I know a good distraction when I hear one! Run!

PROFESSOR VAN ARK: Hold them! Take them!


SARA SMITH: There, Runner Five, here. You can stop. You’re okay, we’re okay. We got out. Through that dirty great hole some new best friend blew in the outer perimeter of that compound!

MAXINE MYERS: Did they blow up Van Ark? Whoever it was?

ARCHIE JENSEN: Hallo! [clears throat] Hi! Hello. You’re asking about Van Ark, and who blew him up? That was...us. But no, we think he got away. Helicopter heading north.

SARA SMITH: You’re the… the New Canton soldiers?

ARCHIE JENSEN: I’m not a soldier! I’m a protein crystallographer! That’s always been such a funny word! Crys-tal-log-ra-pher.

SARA SMITH: But you’re from New Canton?

ARCHIE JENSEN: Yeah. Hey, I’m Runner Twenty. And this is Runner Five. More of our guys are coming, look. We -

SARA SMITH: We’re from Abel. We’re not friends.

MAXINE MYERS: They just saved our lives!

ARCHIE JENSEN: So maybe that makes it even, hey. We don’t have to be friends, we can just be… neighbours… acquaintances… co-workers? I was a co-worker with Professor Van Ark, you know. Back in the lab, a long time ago. “Co-worker”… why not “colleague”? No one seems to use “colleague” anymore, hey?

MAXINE MYERS: You worked with Van Ark?

ARCHIE JENSEN: That’s how I knew who you were talking about.

MAXINE MYERS: We should talk.



The following supplies can be found in this mission.

(List may be incomplete.)

9mm Ammo 9mm Ammo
Axe Axe
Bandages Bandages
Baseball Bat Baseball Bat
Batteries Batteries
Book Book
Bottled Water Bottled Water
Box of Lightbulbs Box of Lightbulbs
Mobile Phone Mobile Phone
Pain Meds Pain Meds
Power Cable Power Cable
Radio Radio
Shirt Shirt
Shorts Shorts
Sports Bra Sports Bra
Tinned Food Tinned Food
Tool Box Tool Box
Trousers Trousers
Underwear Underwear

Other Languages[]

This mission is also available in Spanish, Korean, Japanese, and French.

Language Title Translation
Spanish Complejo Jeffro: 20K Jeffro Complex: 20K
Korean 제프로 시설: 20K Jeffro Facility: 20K
Japanese ジェフロ・コンプレックス : 20K Jeffro Complex : 20K
French Tour Jeffro : 20 km Jeffro Tower : 20 km
Previous: Visiting Van Ark: 10K Next: N/A